9470 Micron Ave, Sacramento, CA 95827
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The LORD God sent him out of the garden of Eden to till the ground from which he was taken. GENESIS 3: 23 NKJV

When Adam and Eve gave in to temptation, they lost their intimacy with God and their home in the garden of Eden. Hardships began to assail them. Ultimately, all of their suffering could be traced back to one cause—they didn’t obey the Father. And humanity has been paying the terrible price ever since.

Likewise, when you fail to submit to God, you will always suffer the consequences. This is why it is absolutely crucial for you to learn to listen to the Lord and heed His direction. Because it can make the difference between life at its very best for you or life at its terrible worst.

Therefore, whenever you’re getting ready to make plans or proceed in some endeavor, seek the Father and commit to walking in His will. Be wise and cautious enough to stop, face the Father, and ask, “Lord, lead me. I will obey You.” He will certainly tell you the truth, steer you in the right direction, and save you a lot of pain.

Lord, if I’m headed in the wrong direction, please show me. I want to walk in Your will, amen.

In His presence . . . seek His will and commit to obey Him.

Stanley, Dr. Charles F.. Every Day in His Presence (p. 219).