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“Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about.” LUKE 10: 41– 42 NLT

In today’s verse, Jesus’ goal was not to discourage Martha; He understood her desire to prepare a wonderful meal for those present. But He wanted to make a point concerning our fellowship with God. Martha was so distracted by her duties that she couldn’t grasp the importance of simply being with the Savior. Her service was very important but paled in comparison to how crucial it was for her to experience God’s presence.

Are you guilty of doing the same thing? Do you focus on what you must do so much that you miss who you’re doing it for? The Holy Spirit is drawing you close, but you can block fellowship with Him by becoming involved in too many activities— including the godly ones.

So set your heart to fellowship with Jesus today. Certainly reading and studying His Word, and engaging in sincere prayer and worship are very important to knowing Him. But simply being alone with Him and experiencing His presence are also crucial. Friend, your Savior loves you. Turn to Him, be silent, and draw close.

Lord, I’m so grateful for You! Draw me close and bless me with the knowledge of Your presence, amen.

In His presence . . . know Him.

Stanley, Dr. Charles F. (2014-11-11). Every Day in His Presence (p. 253).


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