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“If you forgive others for their transgressions, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.” MATTHEW 6: 14

Have you been hurt by someone you love? If you don’t deal with the problem quickly, it is likely that bitterness will take root deep within your spirit— and this is never good. It produces emotional bondage, leads to broken relationships, and hinders you from experiencing the joy and freedom God created you for. It can have a paralyzing effect on every aspect of your life.

Of course, the worst consequence of unforgiveness is that it erodes your fellowship with God. He provided the ultimate sacrifice for your sins through Christ’s death on the cross, and you’re called to demonstrate your gratefulness by graciously extending forgiveness to others. When you refuse to do so, you are not reflecting His character, which then hinders your relationship with Him.

Friend, don’t harbor unforgiveness. Be kind-hearted to the one who has offended you—just as Jesus was to you—and allow Him to restore your relationship. He will give you an even more profound love for that person and a deeper appreciation of what He did for you at Calvary.

Father, help me forgive and accept forgiveness. I want to demonstrate Your love to others and glorify You, amen. In His presence . . . seek to be as forgiving as He is.

Stanley, Dr. Charles F. (2014-11-11). Every Day in His Presence (p. 271).


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