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Who is among you that fears the LORD, that obeys the voice of His servant. . . . Let him trust in the name of the LORD.
ISAIAH 50:10

Are you intently listening to the Lord so that you can hear even His hushed whispers? Or must He use extraordinary measures to gain and hold your interest?

Certainly, most would agree it’s far better to be receptive to the Father’s tender call than to wait until He must shout. But often our insensitivity to Him forces the Lord to use methods that command our undivided attention.

The point is, God is speaking to you— even now. He is constantly drawing you into His presence to experience an intimate relationship. But the question is: Are you listening?

Friend, don’t ignore your Savior, who has great things to show you. Read His Word to discover His will and allow the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart. He desires to guide (Psalm 48: 14), comfort (John 14: 16), and protect you (Genesis 19: 17– 26); teach you obedience (Joshua 6: 18– 19); and express His unfailing love to you (John 16: 27). So don’t allow the incessant noises of life to drown out His voice. Listen to Him.

Lord, tune my ears so that all You need to get my attention is a whisper, amen.

In His presence . . . listen intently for His whisper.

Stanley, Dr. Charles F. (2014-11-11). Every Day in His Presence (p. 273).


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