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The mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace. ROMANS 8:6

God will never tell you to do anything that gratifies the flesh—to do just as you please without thought of the future. Yes, He wants you to enjoy life—but in a way that pleases Him and brings you wholesome fulfillment, not in a manner that will ultimately destroy you.

Friend, be cautious and wise. If what you hear urges you to feed your sinful nature, then it is not of God. His Holy Spirit within you always speaks in such a way that results in the “fruit of righteousness” (Philippians 1: 11), not the indulgence of your flesh. In fact, your old sensual nature is constantly warring against the Spirit within you, and you must consciously work to bring it under His control (Romans 8:13).

Therefore, friend, set your mind to satisfy the yearning of the Spirit. His voice will build you up, edify you, and lead you on the path of God’s will. Trust Him, obey His Spirit, and live.

Lord, lead me. I want to obey Your Spirit today, not my flesh. Reveal where I have failed to follow You so I may repent and live, amen.

In His presence . . . be sensitive to His Spirit.

Stanley, Dr. Charles F. (2014-11-11). Every Day in His Presence (p. 280).


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