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Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life. PSALM 139:24 NLT

When seeking God’s guidance about a matter, do you ever have trouble sensing what He would have you do? Have your feelings become so dominant that it is difficult to sense His direction?

If so, then pray and ask the Lord to give you promises from Scripture to cling to when your faith is challenged. Don’t react to situations immediately when they arise. Rather, take time to seek the Father by opening His Word and asking Him to give you understanding about your circumstances. As you do, He will give you verses that will become anchors for your soul. Soon enough, you will begin to see how He is leading you.

Continue to lay the matter out before the Lord until you are not only certain about the path but have arrived at the destination.

Friend, God knows your heart and He realizes the depth of your feelings toward the situation that is on your mind today. You can trust Him to lead you wisely—even when the way is unclear. Have faith in His ability to teach you.

Lord, reveal the verses that You want me to cling to and help me clearly hear Your voice, amen.

In His presence . . . trust His guidance.

Stanley, Dr. Charles F. (2014-11-11). Every Day in His Presence (p. 284).


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