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He holds success in store for the upright. PROVERBS 2: 7 NIV

How many times have you tried to do the right thing but failed anyway? Maybe you were caught in a no-win situation. Perhaps your emotions undermined what you were trying to accomplish. It could even be that you thought you were pursuing the correct course of action but were simply wrong. When this happens, don’t condemn yourself. This experience can teach you invaluable lessons about victory.

For example, God sometimes engineers defeat because He desires for you to depend on Him rather than your own gifts, skills, resources, and power. Likewise, brokenness is essential for the Lord to fulfill His purposes in your life. He will break your self-will and teach you to pursue His goals rather than your own. Finally, failure exposes your weaknesses and inadequacies. You allow Him to work through you because you realize your best efforts are never any match for what He can do.

Friend, defeat in your life isn’t final; it’s God’s way of pointing you to true success. So don’t be discouraged. Rather, learn from Him and trust He will lead you on the path to ultimate victory.

Lord, help me remember that defeat is simply a signpost pointing me to ultimate victory through You, amen.

In His presence . . . find victory in defeat.

Stanley, Dr. Charles F. (2014-11-11). Every Day in His Presence (p. 286).


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