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There is forgiveness with You, that You may be feared. PSALM 130:4 NKJV

Sometimes well-meaning believers proclaim that their anger is “righteous indignation”—noting that even Jesus overturned the tables of the temple money changers and often rebuked religious leaders.

The problem is that righteous indignation is anger directed at an offense committed against God and His people, not necessarily the wrongdoing we experience. It motivates us to stand for what is right and defend the powerless as Jesus did. It serves to cleanse others, restore them, and magnify the Lord’s goodness.

Unfortunately, we often don’t do anything to make unjust situations right; we just allow resentment to build and demand vindication. Friend, be warned. If this is you, you are not experiencing righteous indignation. You are merely harboring anger—and God’s holy ire may come against you.

The Savior expects you to forgive those who’ve sinned against you—just as He did. So don’t allow pride to dictate your reaction toward them or hide behind religious wording. You are not honoring God with your emotions. Rather, deal with your anger immediately and allow Him to show you His forgiveness.

Lord, bring to mind anyone I need to release so that I may honor You by forgiving them, amen.

In His presence . . . forgive your offenders.

Stanley, Dr. Charles F. (2014-11-11). Every Day in His Presence (p. 324).


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