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“I am willing; be cleansed.” MATTHEW 8:3

Leprosy was a curse to this poor man. In fact, it was such a painful and terrible disease that people suffering with it were made to wear bells around their necks so others could avoid contact with them and not become infected. It was isolating, humiliating, and absolutely excruciating.

So when Christ came near, this brave leper immediately knelt before Him and said, “If You’re willing, make me clean.” They were words of tremendous faith spoken by a man who most likely didn’t doubt God’s ability, but who probably feared he would be overlooked.

But friend, take note: Jesus is always willing. And the Savior went beyond healing the leper’s physical issues to ministering to his soul by touching him.

Perhaps you’ve suffered for a long time and wonder if Jesus can restore you too. Take heart, the Savior can heal your infirmity. He may choose to do so completely, or He may change your circumstances so that you can find peace in your suffering. But the point is—don’t let the Savior pass by. Step forward in worship and allow Him to work in your life. He is willing. Trust Him.

Lord, don’t pass me by. Work in my life as I humbly bow in worship before You, amen.

In His presence . . . find healing.

Stanley, Dr. Charles F. (2014-11-11). Every Day in His Presence (p. 327).


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