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“Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me.”
JOHN 14:1

There is something we all do just about every day—sometimes without even realizing it—and that is relinquish our peace.

To avoid this, we should take time every day to check our hearts—ensuring that sin hasn’t blocked our fellowship with the Father. We can pray, believe, and quote His promises, but if we insist on meeting our needs in our own way instead of trusting Him, then we are willfully choosing to rebel against the Lord and separate ourselves from Him.

Likewise, in times of crisis, we may lay down our peace—allowing doubts in our heavenly Father’s perfect plan to rule us rather than having faith in Him to help us. Yes, friend, it is a choice. We lose our hope because we lay it down.

Today, make the decision to trust the Lord. Confess any rebellion to God and ask Him for help in turning away from your sins. Be purposeful in seeking the Lord and trusting in Him. Because then His peace can flow freely in your life again.

Holy Father, please show me if I’ve forfeited Your peace in any way. I choose to believe You and trust Your plan, amen.

In His presence . . . hold on to His peace.

Stanley, Dr. Charles F. (2014-11-11). Every Day in His Presence (p. 361).


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