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Momentary, light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison.

When hardships arise, we may be tempted to focus on our circumstances, forgetting that God has a completely different vantage point on our lives. But from His view, every event has a purpose that fits perfectly into His plan.

Today’s verse reminds us that while we are on this earth, it is not our visible conditions but what the Lord is doing in the unseen that really matters—because what He is achieving is eternal. Our momentary afflictions are producing everlasting glory.

So consider—what “light affliction” is causing you to look away from God? Are discouraging circumstances hindering your joy? Your heavenly Father longs to relieve you of these burdens.

Friend, when you have God’s viewpoint, you will be able to face your circumstances with the confidence that He will not just see you through your difficulties, but will bless you immeasurably through them. So trust Him. The Lord will help you soar past your hardships into a victory that you’ll certainly not want to trade for the world.

Father, help me face trying circumstances with full knowledge that You are working in the unseen, amen.

In His presence . . . trust His perspective and unseen hand.

Stanley, Dr. Charles F. (2014-11-11). Every Day in His Presence (p. 363).


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